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Niobobaotite: a new mineral rich in strategic metals

2024-03-07 16:28:35

On October 3, the new mineral niobobaotite discovered by Xiangkun Ge, Guang Fan and Ting Li, researchers of China Nuclear Geology Technology Co., LTD. (Beijing Geological Research Institute of Nuclear Industry) was officially approved by the New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification Committee of the International Mineral Association(IMA CNMNC), with the approval number IMA 2022-127a. This is the 13th new mineral discovered in China's nuclear geological system since its establishment nearly 70 years ago.f86b22efd4d3b2489bb6030a933f5e0o6c


Niobobaotite is named after the place of production, it is found in Baiyunebo mining area in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, produced in niobium - rare earth - iron ore, brown to black, columnar or plate shape, particle size of about 20~80 umo, hardness of 4.5-5.0, density of 4.6-4.8 g/m3.

The chemical formula of Niobobaotite is Nb205·2H20, which is a niobium oxide mineral with water content and belongs to monoclinic crystal system. It is the third known aqueous oxide mineral and the first aqueous niobium oxide mineral to exist in monoclinic crystal system.


Niobium is a rare metal element with excellent properties such as high strength, high toughness, high corrosion resistance and high conductivity. It has a wide range of applications in aerospace, nuclear energy, superconductivity, medicine and other fields. China is the world's largest consumer, but the reserves of niobium resources are small, mainly dependent on imports. Therefore, the discovery of Niobobaotite deposit is of great significance to the exploration and utilization of niobium resources in China.