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Main properties and applications of sputtering targets


Main properties and applications of sputtering targets.png

Sputtering targets usually refer to target materials used in the physical vapor deposition (PVD) sputtering method. These materials typically have the following properties and applications:


High Purity : Sputtering targets need to be of high purity to ensure the quality and performance of deposited films.

Uniformity : The target material needs to have good uniformity to ensure the uniformity and stability of the deposited film during the sputtering process.

High temperature resistance : The target material needs to be able to withstand the high temperature and energy bombardment during the sputtering process.

Mechanical strength : In order to maintain a stable shape, the target material needs to have good mechanical strength and stability.


Thin film deposition : Sputtering targets are widely used in thin film deposition processes, including the deposition of metals, oxides, nitrides, carbides and other materials.

Electronic devices : Sputtering targets are used to prepare semiconductor films, conductive films and optical films for the preparation of electronic devices and optical devices.

Decorative coatings : Sputtering targets are also used to prepare decorative and functional coatings, such as anti-reflective coatings, anti-corrosion coatings, etc.

Solar cells : Sputtering targets are also used in the production of solar cells to prepare light absorbing layers and electrode materials.

In general, sputtering targets have high purity and uniformity and are widely used in thin film deposition processes and the field of preparing functional materials.